New Book Shows You How To Finally 
Finish & Launch Your Book - FAST!
...Even If You’re Super Busy, Have No Idea Where To Start Or How To Get It All Done...
"New Book Shows You The Secrets To Getting 
As Many Clients As You Can Handle FAST
...Even If You Are A 
Complete Unknown"
Maja Wolnik
Author & Book Designer
If you're a coach, consultant or business owner of any kind and want to tell your story, share your wisdom, earn more money whilst making an impact with your book and you're serious about becoming a self-published author, then this is the most important book you’ll ever read – all you need is 20-minutes per day.

How Would You Feel If You Received HUNDREDS Of Comments Just Like This Within HOURS Of Launching Your Book...Like I Did?

But First, Read This Disclaimer
This book is not some sort of “magic bullet” that will instantly make you a best-selling author without having to do any work.

What I’m about to share with you does take time and effort and has been working great for me and my private book clients.

The strategies I’ll be showing you are the exact steps I took myself to consistently write and quickly launch my book.  

They've also helped several of my clients go from feeling overwhelmed by the self-publishing process to confidently pre-launching their books. 

Thanks to my process, they knew exactly which steps to take next while they finished off their manuscripts.

If these methods worked for me and my clients, I believe this book can help you too. 

But you will have to take on the challenge, open your mind and invest just 20-minutes a day to work on your book. 

If you're willing to put in the effort and follow the prompts, before you know it you'll be signing copies of your very own book.

So if you're ready to become an author, let's get into it…

Exactly What You’re Getting
Firstly, this is different from every other self-publishing book you’ve ever read. Right away, I jump straight into telling you exactly how to fast track your writing so you can complete your manuscript in 3x the complex, drawn-out explanations.

My goal is to help you become a published author and get your book out into the world fast.

I'll share just the exact, proven strategies that are working for me right now. I've broken it all down into easy, bite-sized steps.

Plus, this is a really easy read. Each chapter only takes a few minutes to read with guided prompts (in a workbook format) at the end of each chapter for you to fill in and follow. 

You’ll immediately “get” the exact system I’ve personally used to quickly write, publish and promote your book. 

And, you'll be simply delighted by the colorful design – gorgeous examples of the books we've created are peppered throughout the book. It's a reading experience like no other! 

This Book Is About MORE Than Just 
Writing A Book...
The 20-Minute Author is not only about writing, publishing and promoting your book, it's your custom roadmap to help you step into the mindset and identity of an author so that you can:

  • ​Be positioned as an expert, specialist or authority in your field
  • ​​Leverage your knowledge and expertise
  • Use your voice to share your wisdom and tell your story
  • ​Make an impact on a global scale
  • ​Build a recurring, passive or additional income stream
  • ​Get invited to more speaking gigs, podcasts and events
  • ​Use your book as a launchpad for other programs and courses
  • ​Establish your credibility as an author, expert or specialist
  • ​Increase the perceived value of your brand so you can charge more
  • Raise your profile, build your personal brand and open more doors
So as you can see, how to craft your book is only just the beginning. This book is loaded with value to help you succeed.

Here's Just A Fraction Of What You'll Discover...
  • My favorite tech hacks to 3x your manuscript and fast track your progress. (Page 20)
  • ​How to confront your deepest fears around becoming a published author. (Page 35)
  • ​The ONE question you must ask yourself BEFORE you write your book. (Page 53)
  • ​How to organise your thoughts into compelling chapters. (Page 93)
  • ​My best tips to keep you focused and accountable so you finally get it done. (Page 23)
  • ​The four things you NEED to know about your audience, if you want them to CONNECT with your book. (Page 66)
  • ​How to build your fan base before you’ve even written a word. (Page 146)
  • ​Your opportunity get personal guidance from ME about your book. (Page 83)
  • ​Discover the most important marketing tool to promote your book. (Page 155)
  • ​My quick exercise to flesh out the structure your book. (Page 94)
  • ​The seven elements you must follow to select a best selling book title. (Page 105)
  • ​How to make it easy for your audience to find your book. (Page 118)
  • ​What to do if you’re struggling with your manuscript and not making much progress. (Page 127)
  • ​How to prove your author credibility to convert browsers into buyers. (Page 168)
  • ​How to choose the right formatting and interior style for your type of manuscript. (Page 181)
  • Book editing fundamentals to polish up your manuscript. (Page 205)
  • ​Four easy ways to boost creativity and increase focus. (Page 218)
  • ​When it's OK to hire a ghost writer or book coach. (Page 219)
  • ​How to build recognition, credibility and trust to turn readers into raving fans. (Page 229)
  • ​My little known TRICK to ensure you FINALLY finish your book, and get it out into the world. (Page 246)
  • Behind the scenes of my own book creation process (and how we nailed it). (Page 257)
  • ​My clever strategy to generate hype around your book and build your audience. (Page 268)
  • ​And much more...
Yes...The 20-Minute Author includes loads of useful information and immediately actionable tasks. And this is just the start!

The best part is that this book is…

Specifically Designed For Entrepreneurs Who Have Wanted To Write A Book For Years, But NEVER Seem To Have The Time
A few years ago, we expanded our service offering at Maja Creative to include Book Design and Author Branding. 

Working on our client’s books and seeing the struggles they faced trying to write and publish their books inspired me to write this book. 

My clients always seemed confused and frustrated by the self-publishing process and found it hard to complete their manuscripts on time. Many lost motivation to promote their books when they finally got published. 

So I set out to find a better way, and over the last 12 months I’ve fine-tuned the system I’m giving you in the book. 

When you start going through the workbook, here's what will happen...

First, you will be genuinely excited and motivated to finish your book because you'll have the roadmap to know exactly what to do, when and how...

I'll share my simple steps to narrow down your book ideas, organise your chapters and get your book out of your head fast. 

You'll learn how you can test the market while you write so you can build up your author platform... this is crucial to inspire your audience to become raving fans who simply can’t wait to read your book

You'll get my ninja marketing tips on how to pre-launch your book and start selling copies like hot-cakes so you can build brand awareness and fund your book before you publish it. 

Yes, This Will Work For You Too
I totally get it! I too am a super busy business owner and wanted to write and publish a book for years... but I could never find the time.

That's why I created The 20-Minute Author – you'll find out the exact steps I've taken to write, publish and promote my own book, so you can do the same.

It's your turn to become a published author...

Here's What To Do Next
The cost of this book is $8.88, and you’ll get it right away as a PDF download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the book.

You can access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want.

And just in case you're wondering...

I've decided to give you this entire book, for $8.88, so you can quickly see for yourself how I can help you finish & launch your book fast and stop you from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. This book will show you how to put an end to procrastination. 

My hope is that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and we’ll get to do more business together in the near future. Maybe you'll join one of my online courses. 

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence
This book is part of a test I’m running for my own business.

I'm keeping the price at $8.88 for now, but it will be going up SOON.

I’ve packed as much value and gorgeousness as possible into this little book and I feel confident you’ll love it and will want to work with me down the road.

I'm betting you'll love the book so much you'll be reaching out to me to find out how I can help you design your own book. 

But just in case you’re wondering, don't worry, I don’t have a sales team that’s going to start calling you to try and sell you any other stuff. 

With all of that said, this is a limited time offer.

You Are Also Getting My Ongoing Support & Extra Publishing Resources
When you order a copy of The 20-Minute Author, you'll also get instant access to my private FB Group where you'll get to mingle with my growing community of like-minded authors-to-be.  

You'll get my ongoing support and extra resources through my library of videos with more book design, branding and self-publishing tips, which I post weekly in the group.

And there's no extra charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

And lastly, even though I’m immediately sending you a copy of the book...


Of course there's a full money-back guarantee.

In fact, it’s possibly...

The BOLDEST Guarantee
I 100% Guarantee that you'll love this book, the community, and the resource library I’m including, or I'll return your $8.88 and let you keep the book anyway.

That's correct. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll refund your $8.88 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

Click The Button Below To Get Your Copy
of The 20-Minute Author
I appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope to hear from you soon!

Maja Wolnik

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 290 page book that outlines how to write, publish and promote your book fast – using my 20-Minute per day process. I'll show you how to fast track your progress to finally get your book done and out into the world. 

The book is $8.88.

I’m also walking you through the exact strategy I’m using to pre-launch your book and build your audience with my most interested and qualified prospects.  

That single strategy alone is getting great results right now.

On top of that I am also going to be giving you access to my private FB Group and community of like-minded authors where you can access my library of videos for more book design, publishing and author branding tips. 

This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not get signed up for anything else or get any annoying phone calls from a salesperson.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll refund your $8.88 immediately. You don't even need to send the book back.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are the results of my own strategies and the systems I’ve built for my private clients. This book will give you actionable steps to write, publish and promote your book. Results are not guaranteed or typical, in fact, a lot of hard work is involved. All successful ventures incur risks and require persistence and action. If you're not willing to accept that, THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR YOU.

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